martes, 1 de abril de 2014


being the last traces of dinosaurs are of great interest to me, are very strong, fast and tough and thick-skinned animals powerful jaws, having the strongest bite animals.

appeared about 55 million years ago surviving all geographic changes and evolved into what they are now, your skin is flaky, hard and dry Reaching live about 50-80 years. 
Several types of crocodiles, both freshwater and saltwater, the latter being larger

lay eggs in nests constructed of sticks and twigs but these are just the top as the eggs are buried. Sometimes turtles nests advantage crocodiles protect their nest and hatch their eggs.

They are air-breathing animals that can withstand longer under water, his lungs are so big they can get six hours under water if they are on the move, if it stays still is able to stay two days underwater .